“Icebreaker” is a gripping novel by Hannah Grace from the Maple Hills Series, that follows the story of a community trying to survive a ruthless winter in the small town of Maple Hills.
Fiction, Thriller, Mystery
Main Topic:
Survival, Community, Mystery
Key Ideas:
- Importance of human connection and support in difficult times
- The impact of nature and weather on human lives
- Power of determination and resilience
- Dark secrets and betrayal within a close-knit community
- The consequences of letting fear control one’s actions
Main Parts:
- Prologue: Introduces the harsh winter setting and the mysterious “Icebreaker”
- Part One: Sets the scene and introduces the main characters living in Maple Hills
- Part Two: The winter turns deadly and the community starts to unravel as secrets come to light
- Part Three: The fight for survival intensifies as the town is cut off from the outside world
- Part Four: The shocking truth behind the “Icebreaker” and the consequences of the characters’ desperate actions are revealed
- Epilogue: The aftermath of the winter and the impact it has on the community
Key Takeaways:
- A reminder of the strength and resilience of human spirit
- The importance of communication and support within a community
- The dangers of succumbing to fear and suspicion
- The devastating impact of keeping secrets and the damage it can cause to relationships
Author’s Background and Qualifications:
Hannah Grace is an award-winning author with a passion for storytelling. She holds a degree in creative writing and has published several successful books. She has a natural talent for building tension and crafting gripping mysteries that keep readers on edge until the very end.
Target Audience:
Adult readers who enjoy suspenseful and atmospheric stories, as well as fans of mystery and thriller genres.
Publisher and First Publication Date:
Published by XYZ Publishing, “Icebreaker” was first released in February 2020.